Our Impact

Giving Stories

Donella enjoys simple and perpetual charitable giving

Donella Graney likes to give back to her community, so being in a position to do so, has made regular donations to a range of local and national charities for some years.

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‘A tree with many leaves of opportunity’ for Maaori in health

The determination that others must follow in her footsteps has led a successful young doctor to team up with a senior colleague to create a new philanthropic investment fund dedicated to getting more Maaori into the health sector.

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Waikato business owners dedicating their profits to passion

Heather and Rod Claycomb are seeing lives changed across the world thanks to their unique family charity that supports social entrepreneurs to start new businesses for the benefit of people in need.

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Transformational Projects

Momentum Waikato brings to life transformational projects by connecting and convening the people, organisations and resources that together can drive ‘once in a lifetime’ endeavours that will serve the region for decades or even centuries to come.

In this role as a community leadership organisation, Momentum Waikato prioritises ‘one off’ projects that can attract investment from local and central government, grants from community funders, sponsorship from business, and/or donations from a wide range of people, especially when they will bring new money and resources into the region.

Given its own limited resources, Momentum Waikato now selects one ‘Signature Project’ at a time. Its key role is as a catalyst and initiator, which can include being the project’s initiator and/or champion, performing its due diligence and market testing, sourcing funding and donations, and/or establishing an endowment fund to provide ongoing support.

Projects to date include the following.


A world-class venue of national significance

Leading transformational community projects – Waikato Regional Theatre

Momentum Waikato stepped up in 2016 when the Hamilton City Council needed a partner to facilitate the creation of a new multi-purpose performing arts centre for the city and the region. Since then, it has driven an $80-million capital-raising effort, and founded and supported the Waikato Regional Property Trust, which will own the Theatre and its operations. Find out more at Share the Stage.


Building a model for environmental and social change

Supplying start-up funding - Pūniu River Care

Momentum Waikato provided start-up capital for Pūniu River Care, a marae-based social enterprise near Te Awamutu. Since then, they have planted millions of trees, which is creating meaningful employment, teaching job skills, building community and culture, and delivering tangible environmental benefits.


Transforming a former coal mine into a community asset

Connecting and Convening – Kimihia Lake

Momentum Waikato has been ‘connecting and convening’ to support and accelerate the Kimihia Lake Restoration project near Huntly since 2020. Advice and networking have assisted the Kimihia Lakes Trust to plan and develop, a financial underwrite for a restoration plan released Treasury funding, and the Karioi Projects Fund has been taken on to support youth outdoor recreation training at the site.


Repurposing a trust asset to meet modern needs

Securing the purpose of community assets – Tirohanga

Momentum Waikato was gifted the Houchen’s Retreat in Glenview by the Houchen family in 2019. It has worked with Wise Group to revitalise the site, with them transforming it into Tirohanga the Houchen Wellbeing Space, where they offer a range of wellbeing services and spaces.

Impact Areas

Children & Youth

We look to create lasting change for children and youth and their families by generating the maximum impact in areas of therapeutic or rehabilitative services targeted at them, including those with special needs. We will prioritise investment in community-based projects that require and/or make best use of community resources to undertake their proposed activities and/or achieve their stated objectives. These should involve capacity building, i.e. the creation, expansion or augmentation of services, rather than the maintenance of existing offers.

As UNICEF recognises, children and youth will benefit from the realisation of all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the context of Momentum Waikato's agenda, the relevant UN SDGs are 3 - Good health and well-being; 4 - Quality education; 8 - Decent work and economic growth; and 10 - Reduced inequality.


We will work to build community connection and wider recognition that social cohesion is required to tackle the challenges we are collectively facing. Our support will go to innovative, transformational projects that ease isolation, especially in the growing elderly population, address the effects of poverty and inequity, engender safe neighbourhoods and districts, and help everyone to live secure, more productive lives.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to Momentum Waikato's agenda in this area are Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities; 8 - Decent work and economic growth; 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions; and 17 - Partnership for the goals.

Culture & Arts

We find and facilitate social, economic and technical innovations that propagate the growth of artistic, cultural and heritage activities across all communities, age groups and social classes in the Waikato. We aim to increase the number of attendees and participants in artistic and cultural offerings, so our city and region are more vibrant and attractive to talent and can provide more employment opportunities and improved livelihoods for local artists.

'Art and Culture' is not a specific UN Sustainable Development Goal, however creative solutions are required to tackle the world's challenges, so culture is explicitly recognised by UNESCO as embodied in Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities; 8 - Decent work and economic growth; 10 - Reduced inequality; 5 - Gender equality; 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions; and the environmental goals 13 - Climate action, 14 - Life below water and 15 - Life on land.

Economic Vitality

We aim to build the economic foundations of a thriving and sustainable future for the Waikato. Strategic economic initiatives we will support to deliver on this commitment could include quality creation, workforce skill development, new or improved infrastructure investment, innovative transport projects or any other enterprising schemes that vastly improve the Waikato's regional economy. Those projects that utilise existing community resources or leverage the work of other organisations to produce economic benefit will be most readily and generously supported.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to Momentum Waikato's economic agenda are Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth; 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 10 - Reduced inequality; and 11: Sustainable cities and communities.


We look to bring forward any innovation that will strengthen schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces through the participation of students, parents, educators and employers. The anticipated outcomes would ensure children are socially and emotionally prepared to start school, and that young people are able to transition smoothly through and beyond the education system and have increased employment opportunities.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to Momentum Waikato's agenda in this area are Goal 4 - Quality education; 8 - Decent work and economic growth; and 11 - Sustainable cities and communities.


We support innovations that increase the quality, health and resilience of New Zealand's natural, rural and urban environments, and/or protect and enhance animal welfare. We aim to achieve outcomes that address and respond to climate change and other key global and local environmental issues, and increase public understanding and engagement with the challenges facing the planet.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to Momentum Waikato environmental issue are Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 11 - Sustainable cities and communities; 13 - Climate action; 14 - Life below water; and 15 - Life on land.


Our goals are to assist people to enjoy improved health and wellbeing and to be well connected to their communities. We will support initiatives that enable individuals, families and communities to create and secure healthy, caring, safe and supportive settings for all members of society. We want to enable individuals and communities to have the power to contribute to and seek knowledge about their health.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to Momentum Waikato's agenda in this area are Goal 3 - Good health and well-being; 5 - Gender equality; and 11 - Sustainable cities and communities.


We look to support programs and projects that will have a positive impact on people of all ages through providing opportunities and motivation to take part in sport, physical recreation and other healthy activities. Those engaged in an active lifestyle are more likely to be committed to their ongoing well-being and connected to their community.

'Sport and Recreation', more broadly described as 'physical activity', are not a specific UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), however the

UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) has linked them to the realisation of a number of the SDGs. Those relevant to Momentum Waikato's agenda in this are Goal 3 - Good health and well-being; 4 - Quality education; and 5 - Gender equality.