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Donella enjoys simple perpetual giving

Donella Graney likes to give back to her community, so being in a position to do so, has made regular donations to a range of local and national charities for some years.

“I could see that placing money into the care of Momentum simplifies your giving, and that it means your donating can continue forever."

“Giving via Momentum is such a worthwhile thing to do, you feel quite good that you can make some sort of difference to others.”

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‘A tree with many leaves of opportunity’

The determination that others must follow in her footsteps has led a successful young doctor to team up with a senior colleague to create a new philanthropic investment fund dedicated to getting more Maaori into the health sector.  

“You don’t see many Maaori in the workforce here at the Hospital, we are few and far between, and that is a barrier.”

Te Rau Oranga Fund has been established by Waikato Hospital doctors Ruth Tan (Ngaati Hangarau and Ngaati Mutunga) and Stephen Ng, along with their colleagues and families, and placed in the care of Momentum Waikato, where it is now open to public donations.

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Marcus Feisst and Feisst Group

Born and bred here, Marcus Feisst says the fast-growing Waikato needs to build world-class facilities like the Waikato Regional Theatre to really fulfill its potential.

“If the quality of the building is top level it will attract top talent and have a big flow-on effect to further development. We’ve got to be committed to producing something spectacular."

“I’m looking forward to seeing my kids on its stage,” he says, recognising that getting up in front of an audience builds self-confidence and character, regardless of where you then go in life.

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Bunny’s bequest grows Mortimer legacy

Throughout their lifetimes, Bunny and John Mortimer were exceptionally generous and supportive to their community, most notably with their gifting of Taitua Arboretum to the city of Hamilton.

“Their service and their selfless philanthropy has made our patch a far better place."

Bunny has left a bequest to the Momentum Waikato Community Foundation, a ‘gift in Will’ revealed at its opening.

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Nancy backs Waikato Women's Fund

A desire for her and her siblings’ grandchildren to have an equal opportunity to achieve is why Nancy Caiger got involved in an initiative focused on the needs and aspirations of local women and girls.

“I wanted my gifts to provide some leverage, a base that others can build upon in the years ahead.”

Research shows women donate differently – smaller more frequent giving over longer timespans, with a real interest in those who benefit.

The Waikato has a number of great general funders, but Nancy could see the need for a sustainable support system guided by and targeted at local women.

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A Quiet Act of Generosity

Back in 2016 a local lawyer raised the possibility of a bequest and the advantages of investing it for sustainable returns.

She directed us to anonymously target her fund’s gifts to scholarships for Pasifika girls living in the Waikato.

The scholarships are already being granted, late last year the recipient was Wesley College head girl Sharon Tuipala (pictured).

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Our gift flows on into the future

Leaving a bequest in their Wills towards the future of the Waikato is an important priority for a couple looking to give back to the region they love to call home.

“We feel absolutely enthused to be part of something that's larger than us, that will last beyond our time here, delivering joy to future generations.”

“The concept of placing part of our estate into a perpetual fund that keeps working and giving to the community, long after we're gone, was therefore attractive. We seek to contribute to our community while we're alive, why not when we're dead?!"

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