How to support Matthew's support
Published on 5 March, 2025
The Gemini Trust was set up in 1995 to support the work of CCS Disability Action Waikato, the local branch of New Zealand’s largest disability support and advocacy organisation.
Across the country, CCS Disability Action supports disabled people of any age with impairments of any type.
Its Waikato Local Executive Committee established the Fund for CCS Disability Action Waikato with Momentum Waikato at the end of 2023 by transferring over its investment portfolio to create the new Fund. This allowed the Gemini Trust to be wound up, while its funding mission can continue forever in the hands of Momentum.
The work of CCS Disability Action Waikato makes a huge difference in the lives of disabled people and their whaanau across the Waikato, Coromandel and King Country.
One person who the organisation supports is Matthew Slone (pictured above), someone who, in his dad David’s words, “spreads joy.”
“Matthew is an incredibly cheerful, friendly person, and that friendliness is contagious,” said David.
The 31-year-old has a learning disability and has been supported by CCS Disability Action’s Waikato branch for around 10 years. He is also employed as a caretaker at the local branch, work he enjoys.
Matthew has a small team of Support Workers who spend time with him each weekday morning and help him to live independently. Every day holds something different. As well as working at CCS Disability Action, he enjoys a regular cycling session and connecting with friends.
He and his Support Workers also tackle his slightly less fun, but necessary, ‘life admin’. That includes things like meal planning and preparation, grocery shopping, cleaning, and washing.
It is perhaps Matthew’s volunteer work assisting with swim training at Special Olympics that gives him the most meaning. The sport has long been a passion, ever since he first dipped his toes in the pool when he was seven years old, and he won a gold medal at the 2015 Special Olympics World Championships. Matthew does it because he wants to give back.
“He likes to help, so it gives him a lot of happiness,” said David.
David and Judith appreciate CCS Disability Action’s support, as it means their son can live a life that gives him self-determination and pride.
“Matthew just wants an ordinary life, surrounded by friends. It’s the simple things,” said David.
Judith agrees: “happiness, love, friendship – those are the things he is after,” she said.
Enabling Matthew to live the life to which he aspires has in part been enabled by the funding the Gemini Trust has provided to CCS Disability Action Waikato over the years – between 1995 and 2023 it passed across over $1 million.
The grants, which were previously coming from the Trust and are now from the Fund, provide both the tailored support for people like Matthew across the region, and scholarships for disabled people to attend The University of Waikato.
CCS Disability Action Waikato Local Executive Chair and Gemini trustee Mike Garrett said the same challenges faced by many charitable trusts led to their decision to move their investment capital to a philanthropic endowment fund at Momentum Waikato.
“A key reason for our move to Momentum is to ensure the long-term sustainability and income growth of the investment fund we’ve managed, so as per its original intent, it continues to benefit disabled people locally,” said Mike.
“Also, with pressures on peoples’ time and resources, it had become increasingly difficult to recruit trustees with the right level of skill and stewardship to ensure the funds are well managed and distribution benefits are realised in accordance with the trust deed objectives.
“We also appreciate that Momentum Waikato actively connects with a wide range of people across the community, so are pleased to now be one of the giving options they can offer to the public,” said Mike.
Momentum Waikato is proud to be playing a part in providing the resources needed to ensure that people like Matthew and his family get the support they need.
You can donate to the Fund for CCS Disability Action Waikato at momentumwaikato.nz/ccsdisabilityactionwaikato.