Our world could be in better shape

Published on 23 October, 2024

Its not hard to believe that our world could be in better shape. It is not hard to see there are social, environmental and cultural issues that need to be addressed globally, in New Zealand, in our Waikato region and within our closest communities.

But it can be hard to work out how, as an individual, you can make a positive impact on the issues of our time.

How can I make the change I want to see?

That’s where Momentum Waikato comes in.

As identified via our Vital Signs consultation process, housing affordability, youth education and development pathways and community connectedness are the most pressing issues in our region. We aim to do four things to address these high priorities in our Mighty Waikato.

  • We are raising an endowment fund of $25 million by 2020, so the region has the ability to address its greatest needs.

  • We are making giving easy via a web-based portal, through bequests and donations, payroll giving and corporate gifting programmes.

  • We lead and drive transformational projects and programmes, starting with the Waikato Regional Theatre.

  • We convene and broker projects between partners where a combined effort will reap greater reward than any singular effort.

The act of giving and a generosity of spirit are not just the domain of the Bill Gates of this world. Staff at Momentum Waikato have committed to contributing to payroll giving on a regular basis, each pay round contributing to the causes that matter to us. My small contribution is now leveraged across two other people in the office. Since we have started, we have had friends and family members join and add their own contribution to our causes, meaning we are all contributing to something bigger, that can have a significant impact on a collective scale.

And that’s how your $5, $10, $50 or greater contribution leverages across others, so that any individual input makes a difference alongside the generosity of several hundred, or a thousand, other people. The impact of many people across the Waikato contributing small amounts leads to a tsunami of contribution that can then be utilised for great change.

Change is coming through the projects we support - Zeal Street Youth Work in Hamilton, Kapai Kai Lunches in Tokoroa, The Thrive Community Hub in Taumarunui and the Guardians of Puniu River in Te Awamutu.

If you have a group of friends or workmates, or a book club or a running group or a rugby team or whatever, and it wants to start a fund to address a shared concern, contact us so we can help you set up a programme that works for you and links to others of a like mind.

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”

Kelvyn Eglinton

Chief Executive

Momentum Waikato