Departing Words from our CEO…
Published on 11 October, 2024
Simon Wickham, CEO, Momentum Waikato
I have loved working here at Momentum Waikato, but it is time to say farewell, as I am moving on to a new role in September as CEO of Rowing New Zealand.
Therefore, I want to take this opportunity to briefly acknowledge the following fine people.
The small but mighty Momentum Waikato team, you are some of the most dedicated people I have ever worked with. Tireless in your efforts to create and grow endowment funds for the long-term benefit of the Waikato’s communities, your commitment to service beyond self is outstanding, and you have been a lot of fun to work with too!
The donors, I have met some truly warm-hearted locals that really ‘get it’ in terms of making an inter-generational difference and are leaving a lasting legacy that will go on giving to the things that matter most to them, long after they’ve left this world. Your humble and deeply generous contribution is so inspiring.
The Fund champions and advocates that promote your causes and the countless volunteer hours you put into your local mission. You are all true servant leaders of community causes. It’s been great to see the momentum (pun intended) behind several new Funds that are in development or underway now, such as the Momentum Cambridge Fund and the Maungatautari Nest Egg Fund.
The ambassadors and advocates, who not only have generously donated time and money to Momentum, but who are actively out in our community daily, fostering and demonstrating the spirit of generosity through all your volunteer efforts and everyday interactions.
The many partnership organisations that enable the mahi of Momentum and the wider Waikato you serve. Alongside the support of the 17 other community foundations that make up the CFANZ network around the country, all connected by the vision to build endowment funds that will be paying significant dividends to future generations long after we’re all gone.
The Board of Trustees, new and past, and especially those who embraced with both hands the challenge laid down earlier this year to look at the organisation’s first 10 years with fresh eyes and a mind to re-setting its direction for the next 10 years. Your dedication as volunteers, applying your expertise to the vision and mission of Momentum Waikato, is commendable.
I am confident the new strategy now in place will propel Momentum Waikato into an even brighter future ahead - the new brand and website we recently launched speaks to the direction of travel, check it out.
Working with others to build a nest egg for the Waikato, Momentum respects the wishes of generous donors and connects them with great local projects and causes, to build a better Waikato for everyone, forever. I look forward to seeing the ongoing impact Momentum makes locally.
Maa te waa e whakakite ngaa hua o aau mahi nunui - time will reveal the fruits of your many deeds.